Alice Blotin

Alice Blotin

Alice joined RGREEN INVEST in 2023 as an Investment Analyst after working for two years at BNP Paribas CIB in the Energy, Infrastructure and Resources team. Alice holds a BSc in Applied Economics and Financial Engineering and an MSc in International Affairs from the...
Alice Blotin

Alice Blotin

Alice a rejoint RGREEN INVEST en tant qu’Investment Analyst en 2023, après avoir travaillé deux ans chez BNP Paribas CIB au sein de l’équipe Énergie, Infrastructure et Ressources. Alice est titulaire d’une Licence d’économie appliquée et...
Bastien Doutreleau

Bastien Doutreleau

Bastien joined RGREEN INVEST in 2021 as Associate Director of Asset Management. Bastien has been working in investment-related areas for about ten years and has gained specialised experience in structured finance at Groupe ADP, where he was involved in numerous...
Tiffany Voisin

Tiffany Voisin

Prior to joining RGREEN INVEST as an Asset Management – Manager in 2022, Tiffany built her expertise in valuation and financial modelling by working at Deloitte for five years as a Manager in the Financial Valuation team. Tiffany is a graduate of SKEMA Business...
Lorenzo Agostini

Lorenzo Agostini

Lorenzo a rejoint RGREEN INVEST en 2023 en tant qu’Asset Management – Manager après avoir travaillé cinq ans dans le secteur du financement des infrastructures (financement de projets et M&A) chez H3P Financial Advisory puis chez DC Advisory à Paris....