3 awards at the ESG AAA European Awards 2023 for RGREEN INVEST



🏆We are delighted to have received 3 awards last night at the Private Equity Wire. We were named as:

AAA Winner for Best ESG fund: Climate focused
AA Winner for Best ESG Firm
AA Winner for Best ESG fund: Energy transition/clean energy

ESG has been at the centre of everything that we have done since our inception over a decade ago, and we are more committed than ever to our original goal of providing positive sustainable real-world impact. The last year has been a strong growth year on ESG, and we are thrilled to be recognised as a vital part in the mission to combat climate change and accelerate the energy transition.
Congratulations to all the other winners!
#ESG #Sustainability #ClimateAction #RGREENINVEST #SustainableDevelopment #Teamwork

ESG AAA Awards - Best ESG Fund